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Main publications about morphological analysis and structural synthesis

Rakov D. Morphological Synthesis Method of the Search for Promising Technical Systems. // IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems magazine, ISSN 0885-8985. December 1996, - P.3-8. (En)

Rakov D. Morphologische Methode zur Nachforschung von Perspektiven technischer Systeme. // Raumfahrt Forum, N 1/1997. Zurich. Switzerland 1997. - P. 10-24. (De)

Rakov D. Synthese und Analyse von innovativen technischen Systemen. // AvH-Einfuhrungstagung. 17-19 März 2000. Düsseldorf. Germany.-S.19. (De)

Rakov D. Strukturelle Synthese und Analyse von innovativen technischen Systemen. // 29.Internationale Symposium IGIP-2000 „Unique and Excellent“, Sektion “Mensch und Technik, Leuchtturm-Verlag, HTA Biel-Bienne, Switzerland, -S.388-395. (De)

Rakov D. Применение методики структурного синтеза для формирования облика перспективных летательных аппаратов. // Вестник МАИ, Том 6 (1),1999, - C.15-22. (Ru)

Rakov D. Strukturelle Synthese und Analyse von innovativen technischen Systemen, // 14th International Scientific Conference Mittweida, 8-11.Nov.2000, Journal of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Nr.15, 2000, Band L, - P.11-16. (De)

Das Systemanalyse von Höhenplattvormen. // II International symposium on use of the energy accumulating substances in an ecology, engineering, engineering power, transport and in space, 1-4.Juni 2001,Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences, P.165-174. (Ru)

D.Rakov, J.Thorbeck, F.Böhm. Vergleich von verschiedenen Konzepten für aerostatische stratosphärischen Plattformen. // DGLR-Kongress, Stuttgart 2002, DGLR-2002-176, Band 2, P.1217-1224. (De)

D.Rakov, J.Thorbeck. Development of antizipative models of new technical systems with ecological factors. // III International Conference on Energy Storage & Ecological Problems in Mechanical / Power Engineering & Transport. Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow 2002, P.202-218.(Ru)

D.Rakov. Superlight Reentry Vehicles. // Space Technology – Special Issue on “Advanced Reentry Vehicles”, ST2428, 2005 Volume 24, Part 4, Pages 237-243.

Rakov D.L., Torbeck H-J. The development a new method of the system analysis for the Aerospace. // IV International Conference on Energy Storage & Ecological Problems in Mechanical / Power Engineering & Transport. Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow 2004. (Ru)

D.L.Rakov, J.A.Pechejkina. Structural synthesis for research of perspective power systems (morphological approach). // Conference " Perspective results of basic researches ". October, 17-20, Moscow 2006, Pp. 152-155. (Ru)

D.L.Rakov. Application of structural synthesis for search and patentings of new technical solutions. // Inventions procedure. Volume VI. N11, 2006. P.1-10. (Ru)

Rakov D.L. Direct and inverse problems of structural synthesis by search of new technical decisions. // Journal “Information technologies in design and production”. ISSN 1027-0868, N2, 2007. -P.42-49. (Ru)

D.Rakov, J.Thorbeck. Structural synthesis of perspective systems in Aerospace. // Problems in Aerospace. Kasan university, ISBN 978-5-7579-1036-9, 2007, Pp. 110-121. (Ru)

J. Thorbeck, D. Rakov. Systemanalytische Untersuchungen zu Stratosphärenplattformen. // DGLR Workshop X, Luftfahrzeuge leichter als Luft, Leichtbau im Rahmen der leichter-als-Luft-Technologie, 15./ 16. Juni 2007, TU München. (De)

V.V.Kozljakov, D.L.Rakov. Search of new technical solutions in mechanical engineering at conceptual design phase // Mechanical engineering and engineering education. ISSN 1815-1051, N 1 (14) 2008. - P. 2-11. (Ru)

D.L. Rakov. Synthesis of new technical solutions in mechanical engineering on the basis of the morphological approach. // Russian Journal of Heavy Mechanical Engineering (Tyazheloe Mashinostroenie) ISSN 0131-1336, ISSN 0131-1336, N 6, 2008, p.13-15. (Ru)

D. Rakov. Structural Analysis and Synthesis for Conceptual Design in Aerospace Institute of Engineering // Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2008, 23.-25.9.2008, Darmstadt, Germany, DLRK2008-81205. (De)

D.Rakov, J.Thorbeck. System analysis and structural synthesis of new concepts of ballast free balloons. // VI International Conference on problems of power accumulation and ecology in mechanical engineering, power and transport. Institute of Engineering Science, Russian Academy of Science, 10-12 dec. Moscow. 2009, Pp. 327-333. (Ru)

J.Thorbeck. D.Rakov. Konzeptanalyse von verschiedenen Prinzipien fuer die Flughohensteuerung von aerostatischen Systemen. // Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2009, 8.-10.9.2009, Aachen, Germany, DLRK-2009-1207 (De)

J.Thorbeck. D.Rakov. Structural synthesis of new concepts of ballast free balloons. // Hydrogen technology for implementation in energy and transport. 10 Conference 10.11.2009 — 13.11.2009.Moscow, Pp. 256-258. (Ru)

Rakov, D. Structure synthesis of prospective technical systems / D. Rakov, A.Timoshina // IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. - : Feb. 2010. - Volume: 25 -Issue: 2. - P. 4 - 10. (En)

Rakov D. Structural analysis and synthesis of innovative technical systems at the stage of their appearance. Scientific-practical conference "From Innovation to the technique of the future", 11-th specialized exhibition "Products and dual-use technology. Diversification of Defense, Russia, Moscow, Russia Exhibition Centre, 23-26 November 2010. (Ru)

Rakov D., Sinev A. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS for NEW TECHNICAL SYSTEMS BASED ON MORPHOLOGICAL APPROACH. Problems of engineering and automation ISSN 0234-6206 Engineering and Automation Problems International Journal, N 2, 2011, pp.73-80. (Ru)

D.Rakov. Inverse problems in structural synthesis to create environmental transport systems. Conference "Energy of the future. Ener. Efficiency. Interdisciplinary basic research - the basis for future technologies. " November 17, 2011. p.9-12. (Ru)

D. Rakov. Structural synthesis of new technical systems in conditions of uncertainty. International Conference "Lomonosov and Humboldt: Scientific Co-operation between Russia and Germany. Moscow State University. Moscow, 14-17 November 2011. P.135-143. (En)

Rakov D. Structural analysis and synthesis of new technical systems on morphological approach. ISBN 978-5-397-02604-8, M.: URSS, 2011. - 160p. (Ru)


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